This was a long time coming: Second Warrior for the team Nurgle.

Start of the build: scrap from three different sources. Firstly the main body parts from Kinder Easter Egg surprise Kai character for Kung Fu Panda 3. Left hand gauntlet and the head are left over bits from GW Ogre Kingdoms sprue. Base is a cork from some French cognac, wooden part marked with Fleur-de-lis.

The Kai figure had a rubber band operated swinging system, band removed and torso pinned and glued together.

Bits attached and some mould lines filed away.

Big holes on the back just called for some green stuff tentacles...

First layer of green stuff modifications.

Some more green stuff and texture paint for the base. This Nurgle Warrior is the first to get a leveling bonus: "Block" skill marked to the base.

Some painting in and the second skill advance is "Guard".