Werewolf miniature after first ink washes with two re-roll markers made from undead shields.

Base with basic green wash, figure undercoated with Vallejo cold grey.

Gap filling with extra fur bits, quick-n-dirty basing with Citadel Astrogranite .

Some green stuff additions of knee and shoulder pads, plus torn up pants.

Assembled miniature, the left leg position still under consideration, eventually moved it a bit higher.

Pinning the miniature was quite a handful - but with all the limbs as separate bits gives great variation options for poses.

Start of the build with sprue of the Werewolf from Heresy Miniatures sculpted by Andy Foster, clearly very talented guy with a knack of making striking dynamic poses for the figures he designs. And he was nice enough to send some candy with the miniatures so this post package was really a pleasure to open.
he looks good - this post reads in reverse though!!
ReplyDeleteis it just because you wanted the painted pic in rss feeds? maybe in future take a pic on a game board and load that first, then do the step by step in correct order?
Yeah, you're right - kind like to have the more finished looking miniature on the top of the post. So this time around we reverse to the start - "Let's do the Time Warp again!" as they sing in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;-)